Friday, May 15, 2020

May 10, 1793. My Pocket-Compass.

Excerpts from the journals of Alexander Mackenzie. May 10, 1793 (day Two)
"The weather was clear and pleasant, and at quarter past three in the morning we continued our voyage...The canoe being heavily laden, became so leaky, we had to land, unload and gum this circumstance happened about twelve...our latitude 55.58.48...When the canoe was repaired, we continued our course for one mile and a half, when I had the misfortune to drop my pocket-compass into the water...At half past six in the afternoon the young men landed, when they killed an Elk and wounded a Buffalo. In this spot we formed our encampment for the night."

"From the place we quitted this morning, the west side of the river displayed a succession of the most beautiful scenery I had ever beheld"

(note: the party's encampment was about 9 miles S of the present day town of Brownvale, Alberta)

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