Wednesday, July 1, 2020

July 1, 1793. Ready For Service.

1793, JULY. Monday. 1..


     “It was seven before I awoke, and on quitting my tent I was surprised at not seeing the guide and his companion, and my apprehensions were increased when I observed that (their) canoe was removed from its late situation....Mr. MacKay also told me...they had got to the point before he had observed their departure.” 

MacKenzie, like always, feels that the guides are going to desert him, so they had been taking turns keeping watch all night. This morning was Mr. MacKay`s watch, and he is perplexed that this happened without his knowledge.

Picture 1. “Canoe in Fog” Photo by Kurt Weiss

     “The interpreter now informed me that at the dawn of the day the guide had expressed his design, as soon as the sun was up, to go and wait for us, where he might find his friends. I hoped this might be true; but that my people should suffer them to depart without giving me notice, was a circumstance that awakened very painful reflections in my breast. The weather was clear in the forenoon.”

     MacKenzie has a lot to worry about as it is; he really doesn't need more trouble, especially from his own people. The guides he has employed really haven`t got much to do during this canoe-making exercise so they would naturally rather be with their families where they could wait for the explorer to catch up to them.

      “At five in the afternoon our vessel was completed, and ready for service. She proved a stronger and better boat than the old one, though had it not been for the gum obtained from the latter, it would have been a matter of great difficulty to have procured a sufficiency of that article to have prevented her from leaking. We now put our arms in order, which was soon accomplished, as they were at all times a general object of attention.”

Pictures 2 & 3. Ready For Service. A reproduction NW Co. finished canoe. MacKenzie`s new vessel would have looked very similar. 

(Photos Canadian Museum Of History)

    “The remainder of the day was employed by the people in cleaning and refreshing themselves, as they had enjoyed no relaxation from their labour since we landed on this spot.”

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